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!bank command

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Posted (edited)

Hello, im pretty new here.

What is the point of having !bank when you can only use it at home edgeville where are alot of banks?

Would it not be a bit more nice to be able to use it not in the wildy but in overall skilling and pvming activities?

Edited by Killr

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There's no answer to the question you're asking, course it would be better if you could bank anywhere... Sadly, you can't.

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The question is;"what is the point of having !bank?" for what is this use? im new here i have no idea where i should be using it for good use. If you dont know the answer thats no problem just ignore the question ;)

Ofcourse it would be better to have it in more places thats why i did a little suggestion.

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I mean, I'm a maxed realism account (Played for 4 year) Using it more places is something that's never crossed my mind; You can use it on donator island, MDI, Edgeville, Mage Bank + Flower Poker.

The main places where you would need to bank

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Probably to avoid people using it while bossing like toa or cox can easily be abused 

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