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cooking guide

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Cooking is one of the easiest and most afk skills off all


   Before you start cooking

                 1. Buy a skills necklace from Kaqemeex, he can be found at the furnace in Edgeville. The necklace costs 50k.

                2. Buy cooking gauntlets from the same shop. The gauntlets cost 5m. ( used so you dont burn your fish )

                 3. Make a preset with your cooking gauntlets equiped and an inventory of the fish you are cooking


 Let's start cooking

Rub your skills necklace and select: ''fishing areas'' and then teleport to ''barbarian fishing.'' 

At this spot there is a fire which you can cook your fish on.


! Everytime you are done fishing an inventory, click your preset again and continue cooking !

   1-15:          Shrimps      ::item 317 28

  15-30:        Trout         ::item 335 28

  30-35:        Salmon      ::item 331 28

 35-50:        Tuna         ::item 359 28

50-62:        Lobster     ::item 377 28

   62-84:        Monkfish    ::item 7944 28


For 84-99 you have 2 options (anglerfish is the fastest method):

      84-99:      Monkfish        ::item 7944 28

84-99:      Anglerfish                      

   Unspawnable, you will need to fish/buy them.


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