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Showing most liked content on 06/12/2024 in Posts

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    Summer Event: Serpent Shaman Serpent Shaman escaped the Colloseum's ancient walls, slay it before it leaves the wilderness. What is the reward? You will receive a Summer box after bringing 20.000 Summer tickets to Adventurer Jon. The Summer box rewards you several cosmetics and exclusive items. Serpent Shaman has a 1/500 chance of dropping a Abyssal lantern. How can I obtain Summer tickets? You can obtain the tickets by killing Big Snakes in the wilderness, they don't return as quick after dying so head off to the other zones before someone else kills them. Every hour on the 40th minute Serpent Shaman will appear near Demonic Ruins, after it's death it will reward you the Summer tickets equal to 50% of the amount of damage you've done. For the location of the Big Snakes: click here (https://i.gyazo.com/5daeebbe1036b112ed98ad5b33f015ab.png) Moons of Peril The Moons of Peril are three nagua imprisoned in Neypotzli. How can I get there? You can get there by using the teleports of the Spiritual Fairy Tree, Minigames > Moons of Peril What are its characteristics? The three bosses share a unique mechanic where their basic attack will hit three times, each dealing more damage than the last; however, if one hit misses, the remainder will as well. This means having good defence bonuses will result in less damage taken overall. Protection prayers will not do anything against any of their attacks. While they can be fought by multiple players simultaneously, the boss' health is tied to individual players, meaning each player will effectively have to deal all damage on their own. Additionally, each Moon of Peril has a lower defence bonus against a specific melee style: Eclipse Moon - vulnerable to stab Blood Moon - vulnerable to slash Blue Moon - vulnerable to crush More in-depth information related to attacks and more can be found in the guides below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HuCsNrpudk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM1AmLgqsNU What is the reward? Upon killing the three bosses you are able to open the Lunar chest which is in the Reward room. You have a chance of receiving the Smol heredit pet upon opening the Lunar chest. You can receive the Love crossbow from the collection log of the Moons of Peril. The equipment obtainable as a rare drop is reminiscent of Barrows equipment in which the unique armour sets obtained as rewards have a set effect as well. Blood moon armour - a set of melee equipment with the Bloodrager set effect. Blue moon armour - a set of magic equipment with the Frostweaver set effect. Eclipse moon armour - a set of ranged equipment with the Searing Blows set effect. You can sell these items when obtained in the Sunfire splinter shop, which can be accessed through Eyatlali in the main area of Moons of Peril. In return you will receive sunfire splinters, which you can use to purchase items that are only obtainable through the shop, e.g. Dizana's quiver. What can I do with sunfire splinters? You can use Sunfire splinters on the fire rune altar to make it into sunfire runes, this will make fire spells have a minimum hit of 10% of it's max damage. You can charge your Tonalztics of ralos with it which will cause it to hit twice instead of once per hit. You can use sunfire runes on your Tome of Fire book which will become Tome of fire (s), this will cause fire spells to have the same effect where it will hit 10% of it's max hit (this buff is applied before the tome of fire buff) You can use the sunfire splinters to purchase items from the Sunfire Splinter store. New Items Lots of new items have been introduced with this update. Blessed Dizana's quiver It can be obtained at the Moons of Peril through Eyatlali's Sunfire splinter shop. It requires level 75 Ranged to equip, it provides the best in slot ranged attack bonus for the cape slot. The blessed quiver has the effects of Dizana's Sunfire, where an additional +1 Ranged Strength and +10 Ranged accuracy is applied to stored arrows and bolts. You can simultaneously store arrows and bolts in the arrows slot and the extra slot which is unlocked when Dizana's quiver is equipped. It can also be combined with the max cape to change its appearance by turning it into Dizana's max cape. Trailblazer reloaded vengeance scroll It can be obtained through the Zombie Pirate's locker. Your vengeance animation and graphic will change upon using this scroll. You can switch it back by right-clicking the Vengeance spell in your spellbook. Trailblazer reloaded death scroll It can be obtained through the Zombie Pirate's locker. Your death animation will change upon using this scroll. You can switch it back by right-clicking the Death NPC at edgeville. Zombie axe The axe is obtained as a drop from armoured zombies. A battleaxe that requires 65 Attack to wield. The axe's strength bonus and slash attack stats are higher than any other one-handed weapon. It's primarily used against enemies which have low crush defence bonus. Hunters' sunlight crossbow It can be obtained at the Moons of Peril through Eyatlali's Sunfire splinter shop. The crossbow uses sunlight and moonlight antler bolts as ammunition. A better alternative to the Magic shortbow with it having the same speed but more ranged bonus and it's bolts having more ranged strength. You can also use a shield with this crossbow. Echo boots It can be obtained at the Moons of Peril through Eyatlali's Sunfire splinter shop. An enhanced pair of guardian boots which require level 75 Defence to wear They are made by adding an echo crystal which are obtained through the Sunfire splinter shop at the Moons of Peril area. Tonalztics of ralos It can be obtained at the Moons of Peril through Eyatlali's Sunfire splinter shop. A thrown weapon that requires level 75 Ranged to equip, it's not stackable and provides unlimited ammo. In its uncharged state, the weapon hits a target for 0-75% of the player's maximum ranged hit once. When charged with Sunfire splinters, the weapon will hit twice instead, with the second damage roll independent from the first. Division, costing 50% special attack energy. Upon a successful hit, the target's Defence level is reduced by 10% of its Magic level (20% if charged and both hits deal damage). This makes it useful for high-defence targets who have a high-magic level. New supplies Sunlight moth mix: Drink to restore 6 + 20% of their reduced stats, as well as 8 Hitpoints, but not including Prayer. If drunk in a multicombat area, up to three players adjacent to the drinker (who have Accept Aid toggled on) will also receive the same effect. Moonlight moth mix: Drink to restore 22 prayer points per dose. If drunk in a multicombat area, up to three players adjacent to the drinker (who have Accept Aid toggled on) will also receive the same effect. Cooked moonlight antelope: When eaten, cooked moonlight antelope meat heals 14 Hitpoints immediately, then an additional 12 Hitpoints after 7 ticks (4.2 seconds) - as well as reducing venom to poison or curing poison entirely - for a total of 26 Hitpoints. Zombie Pirate's Zombie pirates can be found at the Chaos Temple in the Wilderness. They can be seen fighting against the Elder Chaos Druids. What does it drop? It drops zombie pirate keys which can be used on Zombie Pirate's lockers The lockers can be found at the shipwreck found very east of the Chaos Temple. You have a chance of receiving the Teleport anchoring scroll, Trailblazer reloaded death & vengeance scroll. Scurrius The Rat King is a boss residing in the Varrock Sewers. As a mid-level boss meant for players who aren't that experienced in bossing, it's meant to introduce various mechanics that are present in higher-level play. It doesn't really drop anything special, it has a good gp/h, drops scurrius spine which you can turn into bone weapons and has the Scurrius pet drop. How can I get there? You can get there by using the teleports of the Spiritual Fairy Tree, Bosses > Scurrius What are its characteristics? Scurrius has three attacks: his melee attack with his tail, magic attack with blue lightning being discharged, and a ranged attack of stinky fur balls being thrown at players. The fight is split into three phases; Scurrius may heal from the Food Piles between each phase. Scurrius may also summon six giant rats to aid him during the fight. Armoured zombie Armoured zombies are level 85 undead found in Zemouregal's Base. They are notable for their unique drop, the zombie axe. As they reside in a multicombat area and spawn in close proximity to each other, they can be attacked with multi-hitting weapons such as burst spells and the venator bow as a training method. How can I get there? You can get there by using the teleports of the Spiritual Fairy Tree, Dungeons > Zemouregal's Base New Sponsor rank: Onyx After years we have finally introduced a new sponsor rank, this sponsor rank is the best rank and can be achieved by obtaining 200.000 total credits spent. What are the benefits of reaching the Onyx rank? All the benefits of the royal rank. You will receive the 'Upgrade Servant' item which you can use on a Servant, that will upgrade it to the Steward pet. You can use your looting bag everywhere instead of just in the wilderness. You have an increased chance of 45% on obtaining rare loot from monsters & raids. Your gp reward on player kills will be increased by 125%. Your prayer drain outside the wilderness is slowed down by 5x. What does the Steward pet do? You can unnote items by using noted items on the Steward, you cannot do this in the wilderness, in the Corporeal Boss lair, Moons of Peril, Nightmare or any raid. Besides those areas you can do it everywhere. With the Servant pet it only picks up coins, PK point tickets, seasonal event tickets and crystal shards. With the Steward pet it also picks up most common and uncommon drops from bosses and monsters like herbs, noted food & pots, gems, crystal keys and furies. You can also toggle the feature to automatically pick-up clue scrolls from monster drops, you can toggle this through his 'talk-to' option. Wilderness Boss changes We have made some changes to the Wilderness breach and Revenant maledictus to make it more fun. Instead of 300M per Wilderness breach (3 x 100M per boss), it will now drop 540M per breach (3 x 180M per boss). This will be spread amongst 8 players. The Wilderness breach and Revenant Maledictus drop system has been changed to a lottery system, instead of the top 8 players, every rank will be picked by a lottery system where the more damage you do the higher the chance you have of making it amongst the top 8. The Wilderness breach rare table will now drop 50% more often, the very rare table consisting of an Elysian spirit shield has been removed. This made the collection log nearly impossible to finish. The monsters for the Wilderness Breach have been changed to be more fitting to the wilderness. Revenant maledictus rare table was also tweaked to drop 50% more often, the very rare table has not been removed for the Revenant maledictus. King of the Hill changes The areas have been updated to make it more fair for the attacking teams, due to the previous maps having small gaps to enter through. Which maps are now in the King of the Hill? The maps are now as follows, first map will be GDZ, second map is Falador and the third map is Al-Kharid. We have added orbs to where the 'capture zone' area is. Project Rebalance Rebalancing a few items and the hit system. Combat changes For all combat styles, players having landed a successful hit would no longer roll a 0, with the minimum hit for successful attacks being 1. Players can still roll 0's if they fail the Accuracy roll or intentionally lower accuracy, such as splashing. The ranged and magic changes from project rebalance, will be implemented later, as there is currently criticism with the rebalance. Item changes Soulreaper Axe Stacks will no longer be lost instantly upon switching weapon. Stacks will start decrementing after 20 ticks (12s) without attacking, up from 10 ticks (6s). When stacks naturally degrade, they'll heal you for the damage you took while building those stacks up, so long as you still have the Axe in your inventory. Inquisitor's Armour set pieces now provide +2.5% Accuracy and Damage when worn alongside an Inquisitor's Mace. Elder maul has a special attack, Increasing the player's accuracy by 25%, a successful hit will reduce the target's Defence level by 35%. Ancient godsword special attack now heals for 15% of the target's maximum HP, up to a cap of 25 HP. Mobile Status Update The long awaited release of the mobile version for RuneWild, it's nearly here, it's currently in beta testing phase. Within one to two weeks it will be public and then it can be played on Android. This mobile version will contain all QoL features such as tile indicators, outlines, hp overlays etc. Other updates We have added a profanity filter system to the chat system. Clanchat icons can now be shown on right-click player info, you can turn it on through the ::toggle tab. Broken items will now auto-repair on death if opted in at Perdu or at the Armour repair stand. Fun weapons have been updated, animations have been added to mystic cards, stale baguette, rubber chicken and love crossbow, dragon candle dagger, hunting knife and prop sword. At the HP Event you will now be penalized on every death to reduce special attack suiciders, the less you die the higher the chance you have for getting a kill. Ruby bolt procs are capped at 40 damage aswell. If you have multiple looting bags in your inventory, you can now choose on how to destroy the looting bag, destroying it without affecting contents or dropping it. You can now autocast Arceuus spells with your staff. Pets can now be purchased at Probita's shop for 75M gp which is located in Edgeville next to Kaqemeex. Upon typing ::risk and entering the wilderness with a different risk than the one shouted, you will force shout that your risk has changed and state your actual risk. Clue scroll's rarest table, third age armour, rare rate has been made easier, along with it prioritizing items which you haven't obtained yet. Normal tournament reward have been upped to first place getting 350M, 175M for second, 87.5 for third and fourth etc. instead of 200M, 100M, 50M etc. The duel arena map has been revamped, the movement-enabled area is twice as large as before Increased the amount of monsters you get assigned to kill on the medium and hard slayer task. Blackjack table maximum bet system has been patched, you can now properly set your maximum bet. The bounty hunter ornament kitted items have the correct price value now. The PvP Leagues monthly set reward has been changed to the Shattered relic hunter set. Cannon no longer solely uses your ranged bonus for accuracy check versus monsters, it will now use your strongest style bonus like OSRS. Cannon will also check the location of the cannon whether it's in multi instead of just the owner's location. Goblin bow emote no longer stalls your movement and animation. The bloodbark armour has now proper attack bonuses You can now use the Farm and Monastery teleport with your Ardougne max cape, you can find it through it's right-click option 'Options'. Your claimed vote rewards will go to your bank whilst in a tournament instead of your inventory. The yellow KDR overlay wouldn't work properly; now it shows properly in Edgeville as well. Added a master crafter store to the Crafting guide which sells needles and threads, which you can use to make dragonhide armour. You will no longer lose amulet charges when an attempt to teleport fails (e.g. due to teleport block or another restriction). At the Nex boss when protecting ranged whilst being in the ice prison or when it uses the containment special attack it will now halve the damage. Patched a crucial bug where you wouldn't get frozen by monsters if you were frozen and teleported away after getting frozen by a player. Patched a bug with Kraken where you could awaken it without having ammunation in your ranged weapon. Patched the bug where you would copy two slots instead of one in the gear system when copying gear from another player.