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Showing most liked content on 07/19/2024 in all areas

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    What's your in-game username? - Kalluto What is your timezone? - CST What is your playtime? - 102 days, 14 hours and 55 min - few more scattered across accounts lol Tell us a little about your gaming history. - I play a little of everything, Runescape being the longest game i've grinded and touched, been playing it for over 10 years now. maybe even more, stumped upon this server a little over a year ago and been playing since. Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - I believe i'd be a great member of the staff team due to my game knowledge and the fact that i love helping people. im also bilingual so i help the spanish speaking players when needed. im on really most of the day since i work from home its easy to be online. Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here: Not really active on forums i gotta admit, something i can work on but for the most part i believe im an easy guy to get along with and a great member of the community.
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