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Posts posted by Anzio

  1. Just now, Rudra said:


    OT: Support, stuff like this is what engages people to use the forums. It doesn't even need to be anywhere near this in depth.

    What a great way on fuck up the eco, lets all just spam the forums for some free stuff people already donated for ingame

  2. Add a XP lamp for skilling through the vote store, XP lamps can be used on skills to receive a certain amount of XP. The higher donator rank you have the more XP you will gain from using the lamp.

    Add more stuff to ::di, ::sdi, ::sdi place is pretty scuffed so it would be cool with sdi at some other coordinates.

    Add a system yell, whenever someone becomes a donator for the first time or upgrade their donator it shows up a text as a server yell. Example " Pontus has been promoted to Donator"

    Add some kind of login rewards, every 7 days (1 week) you receive a certain amount like 2m the first day logging in, second day 3m, 3rd day 4m etc etc the 7th day (last day) like a super mbox or something. After 7 days it will be new rewards or same rewards but it resets the days so you have to start over again

    Fix the zoom + / -

  3. 2 minutes ago, zobo said:

    1. Ingame Name: Zobo

    2. Age: 18

    3. Where are you from: England

    4. Do you have discord? ( A MUST, But Mic isnt ) Yes

    5. Any clan experience? Yes, lots on other pking servers and osrs mainly multi clans.

    6. Why do you think you would be a good pick for the Cc? I really enjoy multi pking and can bring a lot of experience to the clan, also I am an able nher both pure and main. Bossing is fun too :P

    Accepted, Add me on discord Pontus#9597

  4. 18 hours ago, Stealth64 said:

    1. Ingame Name: Stealth64

    2. Age: 18

    3. Where are you from: England

    4. Do you have discord? ( A MUST, But Mic isnt ) I have discord and i also have a working mic, but it is not very good

    5. Any clan experience? I have had alot of experience with CC's I have played alot of diffrent PVP servers (Not going to mention Due to Advertisement) I have played a role in the biggest multi pk cc on the server i played before runewild. i wouldn't say im the best pker or the worst, im around average and i really enjoy bossing.

    6. Why do you think you would be a good pick for the Cc? I have stated 2 to 3 good reasons above in the clan experience, but overall im wanting to join this cc for a experience to get to know the community and the members of the cc, i am willing to learn and help anyone. i am a very friendly person that just wants to have some fun and meet some new friends <3

    Stealth64 --- Dane

    Accepted, add Pontus#9597 on discord

  5. On 2018-06-08 at 7:15 AM, Kaneki Vapes said:

    1. Ingame Name: Kaneki Vapes

    2. Age: 19

    3. Where are you from: Kansas, USA

    4. Do you have discord? ( A MUST, But Mic isnt): Yes

    5. Any clan experience? Yes, Revolution Army, BBE, owned at clan at other server called #Nameless with 200+ total members. I was in AC clan for Dmm 

    6. Why do you think you would be a good pick for the Cc? I can Pk singles, Multi Pk, PvM, Plus I'm chill :P

    Accepted, Pm me on discord Pontus#9597

  6. 30 minutes ago, Real Fanv said:

    1. Ingame Name:Real Fanv

    2. Age:16

    3. Where are you from:Uk,Englang

    4. Do you have discord? ( A MUST, But Mic isnt ) yes

    5. Any clan experience? yh

    6. Why do you think you would be a good pick for the Cc? coz im good and have insane pvm luck


  7. 6 minutes ago, squadsobad said:

    1. Ingame Name: squadsobad

    2. Age: 19

    3. Where are you from: Cent. USA

    4. Do you have discord? ( A MUST, But Mic isnt ) Yes with BlueSnowBall

    5. Any clan experience? Yes from a few servers won't mention here.

    6. Why do you think you would be a good pick for the Cc? Fun, active since I work 3rd shift at FedEx, although just got back into RSPS about a week ago after a few month break, but been in the RSPS Scene for quite awhile.. Also can make Clan Videos. Message me in-game for the channel because it's a surprise return.


  8. 2 minutes ago, 25 said:

    1. Ingame Name: 25

    2. Age: 16

    3. Where are you from: England

    4. Do you have discord? ( A MUST, But Mic isnt ) Yes & I got a mic

    5. Any clan experience? Loads. You'd know, Pontus.

    6. Why do you think you would be a good pick for the Cc? I love to pk in general.

    ACCEPTED! Pm me on Discord: Pontus#9597

  9. 1 minute ago, Donky said:

    1. Ingame Name:

    My in-game name is Donky

    My in real life name is Mark

    2. Age:

    I'm currently 19 years of age

    3. Where are you from:

    The Netherlands

    4. Do you have discord? ( A MUST, But Mic isnt )

    Yes, And a working microphone.

    5. Any clan experience?

    Used to lead and own the biggest clan on SpawnPK/RecklessPk/ArteroPk.

    6. Why do you think you would be a good pick for the Cc?

    I've been looking for a while now for a good clan to participate in.

    I've been teaming up with friends every now and then.

    Normally I'm not a fan of pking but when there is a team it's always way more fun then solo.

    For the rest I do like to pvm, Currently grinding 99 slayer and going for max.

    Currently ranked #8 on the server highscore but I'd think i'll be maxed soon.


    ACCEPTED! Pm me on discord Pontus#9597

  10. 2 minutes ago, rsps merk said:

    1. Ingame Name: Rsps Merk

    2. Age: 18

    3. Where are you from: Estonia

    4. Do you have discord? ( A MUST, But Mic isnt): Yes

    5. Any clan experience? Yes, Revolution Army, BBE, owned at clan at other server called #Nameless with 200+ total members

    6. Why do you think you would be a good pick for the Cc? Cuz Pontus bby invited me <3

    Accepted! Pm me on discord @ Pontus#9597!

  11. Bossing / Multi Pking Cc

    So, What are we going to do?

    What we do is that we are working together as a team. Killing bosses in the wilderness such as Vorkath, Calliso and more! Massteaming on Corp for a chance to get the most valueable item in the game and alot of more stuff! We are also trying to hunt down people that picks up the treasure chest and people that are our enemies! We are just looking to have some fun together :)

    Who do we want to recruit?

    We are not looking for anything special, You dont have to be good at Pking neither Bossing. We can help you with anything you have questions about. I'll recruit the people who can make a decent application with the requirements fullfilled!

    What is our goal with making this Cc?

    Our goal is to make money and we usually split it if we get a big drop from a boss or a pk drop from a pker. Im doing daily giveaways / drop parties in the Cc for my members! We're aiming to have a fun time together and build our banks up by helping eachother with the most!

    How Do You Join and whats the requirements?

    Application to Join, copy the stuff below and answer!

    1. Ingame Name:

    2. Age:

    3. Where are you from:

    4. Do you have discord? ( A MUST, But Mic isnt )

    5. Any clan experience?

    6. Why do you think you would be a good pick for the Cc?

    How do you know if you got recruited or denied? I will reply on your application as soon as i see it!

    Rules of being in the Cc will be written in the discord!

    If you have any other questions, Pm me ingame "Pontus" or Pm me on discord " Pontus#9597 ".

    Thanks for reading and hopefully we will meet in the Wilderness :)













