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Posts posted by Anzio

  1. Hey, I dont know whats been said and not but i will just write down my suggestions of what i would like to see. 


    As ive read before, would be cool for the new players and even the old players to have a ::staff command to see whose online. 

    I would actually love if raids were added, since ive never done that before and people would enjoy it for sure. 

    Add some more rare stuff in the voting store. 

    When you vote there should be a chance of getting like an ags or claws-/-

    Whenever you kill a target instead of dropping only a mysterious emblem () maybe add a rare drop that could get dropped. 

    Lower the prices of supplies in the general store. 

    Maybe add a fountain or a well where the community could deposit money into. When a certain amount of money is reached, some kind of random event starts. For example double drops in pvm for 1 hour or double skilling xp etc etc

    Thanks for reading, If theres anything you would like to change or if theres already something in the game that i wrote down. If you have any other opinions on this feel free to write that below! 

