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UwU Bitches

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Posts posted by UwU Bitches

  1. so due to loot keys being added in to the game stackable items such as home tele's   runes and other  spawnable items are just spanwed in as max sacks wich doesnt allow the full collection of a key so possibly making a carry limit on runes in wildy would resolve that   and only bringing a ma of 100 tabs considering you only need 1 to leave the wildy 

  2. it would be very nice and useful if ther client had an always on top option so we dont accidently tab out of the game   or tab out while doing other stuff in other tabs 

    • What's your in-game username? - NoxiousToxin
    • What is your timezone? -  GTM - London
    • What is your playtime? - 74 days 4 hours 50 minutes 
    • Tell us a little about your gaming history. - well played osrs and rs3 since release still play to this day 
    • Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - i enjoy helping people im easy to talk to and iv played the server for a while and would like to teach people the things iv learnt 
    • Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here:i feel like some of the toxic player should be temp more often to reduce the toxicity i see around the server 