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Diablo II

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Posts posted by Diablo II

  1. So you've just been given 25M coins or more, a berserker ring, maybe a Tent Whip, Anglers, Super Combats, Sanfews, and Guthix Rests. What now?

    Go through this list in order to optimize your PKing adventure - Skip Numbers if not needed:

    1. Use Kraken Tentacle Kraken_tentacle.png?af6ab on Abyssal whip Abyssal_whip.png?727e9 to create Abyssal Tentacle Abyssal_tentacle.png?c04be

       Note: This Abyssal Tentacle is AUTOKEEP below level 20 wilderness

    2. Do you have loot keys onLoot_key.png?c1c99 (if loot drops to the floor? -> Keys are turned off)

        2.a - Go to location ::Loot -> Right Click -> Talk to NPC Skully.


    2.b - Click Option #1 -> Loot Keys: (Off/On) -> You want this ON.

    Note: Now when you kill a player, go to ::loot to loot your key via the Loot Chest.

    3. Do you have the following items: Rune pouch Rune_pouch.png?28dbb | Barrows Gloves Barrows_gloves.png?3be33 | Dragon Defender Dragon_defender.png?3a184 -> No? -> Lets buy them with the coins Coins_10000.png?7fa38

        3.a - Go to location ::shops -> Click & Talk to NPC Vannaka -> Go to "Untradables" Tab -> Buy items


        3.b - Is your rune pouch empty? -> Yes? -> Type ::VENG -> Use runes on rune pouch


    Note: These items are AUTO KEEP - you will not loose them in wilderness

    4. Do you have a Berserker Ring (i) Berserker_ring_(i).png?356fd ? -> No?

        4.a - Go to location ::shops -> North of NPC shops, inside the building, click "Jewellery Box" -> With 25m Coins_10000.png?7fa38 and Berserker ring Berserker_ring.png?3be33 inside your inventory, go through dialog and imbue ring .Berserker_ring_(i).png?356fd


     Note:  This  Berserker Ring (i) is AUTOKEEP below level 20 wilderness - Unimbued Berserker ring is NOT autokeep.


    * Checkpoint  # 1           ->         Congrats! You now have the proper gear to PK with!  Rune_pouch.png?28dbbBarrows_gloves.png?3be33Dragon_defender.png?3a184Berserker_ring_(i).png?356fd


    Lets make Re-gearing and getting to the wilderness ALOT FASTER

    1. Do are you using Loadouts / Quick Setups? -> No?

        1.a - Go to Quest tab -> Bottom left of quest tab, click the 2 cross swords ->  Right Click "Edit" -> Replace


        1.b - You now have created a Loadout -> Click swords again then your chosen loadout to load the setup

    2. Now that you know loadouts, Do you use CTRL + Q? -> No???

        2.a - First, attempt to load a loadout via the 2 cross swords button.

        2.b - Eat some food Anglerfish.png?f0f17 -> Press CTRL + Q on your keyboard

        2.c - WOH your whole inventory got refreshed! You can do this command on the wilderness line! Didn't work? -> You need to load a loadout first, then CTRL + Q recalls last loadout used.

    3. Now we created a loadout, do you have a good inventory layout/setup? Probably not so follow this regardless

        3.a - Copy this loadout and item positions -> Food, potions, etc.. will be explained in future set


        3.b - We should save this setup to use -> Quest Tab -> Bottom left Swords -> Right click Edit -> Replace (Reference image 1 - 1.a)

        3.c - You now have saved the loadout! You can navigate back to the loadouts tab OR CTRL + Q to refresh your inventory/gear!


    Note: CTRL + Q to reload loadout Works everywhere in Edgeville, even right beside the wilderness Ditch in level 0 wilderness.

    * Checkpoint  # 2           ->         Congrats! You could PK now if you want too! but want some tips?

     1. Fast re-gearing after death

        1.a - You died? -> Go to location ::DH (wilderness ditch)

        1.b - On keyboard press CTRL + Q to reload loadout -> Eat angler Anglerfish.png?f0f17 (121 HP) + sip Super combat Super_combat_potion(4).png?ff13c to pre-pot (118 str, att, def)  -> CTRL + Q to refill inventory

    Note: You can CTRL + Q on the Wilderness ditch to quickly resupply after a fight!

    2. Don't know how to eat fast? Combo Eat! (and other supplies!)

        2.a - Double eat - very quickly, Eat an Angler Anglerfish.png?f0f17 ->  Kara Cooked_karambwan.png?6b752 (MUST BE THAT ORDER) - Congrats! you healed instantly 40 HP!

        2.b - Triple eat - very quickly, Eat an Angler Anglerfish.png?f0f17 -> Sara Brew Saradomin_brew(4).png?c82f9 -> Kara Cooked_karambwan.png?6b752 (MUST BE THAT ORDER) - Congrats! you healed instantly 56 HP!

        2.c - Guthix Rest Guthix_rest(4).png?80b36 & Sara Brews Saradomin_brew(4).png?c82f9 - All Potions don't delay attacks. You can sip on a Guthix Rest to heal 5 HP while continuing to hit. This can be great if your 68-77 HP to heal back to 78-85.

        2.d - Sanfew Serum Sanfew_serum(4).png?7313d - These potions are Super Restores + An Anti-poison in 1 potion. Useful for Tentacle Whip/DDS  Anti-Poison.

    3. Spec weapon is only Dragon Dagger Dragon_dagger(p++).png?97441  or Dragon MaceDragon_mace.png?cc5f3? Lets upgrade! 

        3.a - When you get 7m -> Purchase Abyssal Dagger Abyssal_dagger_(p++).png?c04be  from Vannaka 

        3.a - When you get 30-50m -> Purchase Dragon Mace Imbue Scroll Dragon_mace_imbue_scroll.png?d17ce from Trading Post to upgrade to Dragon Mace (BH). Dragon_mace.png?cc5f3 +  Dragon_mace_imbue_scroll.png?d17ce = Dragon_mace_(bh).png?1b97d

        3.c - When you get ~70m -> Purchase Abyssal Dagger Imbue Scroll Abyssal_dagger_imbue_scroll.png?31b4e  from Trading Post to upgrade to Abyssal Dagger (BH) P++. Abyssal_dagger_(p++).png?c04be + Abyssal_dagger_imbue_scroll.png?31b4e = Abyssal_dagger_(bh)(p++).png?26e28

        3.d - When you get 100M+ -> Purchase Armadyl GodswordArmadyl_godsword.png?e56f0/Dragon ClawsDragon_claws.png?c85b3 from Trading Post (AGS better)  (view vote tip for easy coins!)

    4. Other Upgrades

         4.a - Want to get an infernal CapeInfernal_cape.png?80b36, Avernic DefenderAvernic_defender.png?e4676 or Ferocious GlovesFerocious_gloves.png?97fe8? Purchase these items on the Trading Post for ~1500m/1.5b! Purchase in order: Cape -> Defender -> Gloves

         4.b - Want to unlock the rest of your prayer book (RigourRigour.png?159e1, AuguryAugury.png?f234e, PreservePreserve.png?676e6)? Purchase a Prayer Scroll Dexterous_prayer_scroll.png?6b57c on the trading post for ~250m! All 3 are unlocked with 1 Prayer Scroll.

         4.c - Want to be-able to access the Bank or Trading Post without going to one? Purchase a Bond Old_school_bond.png?2b41b on the trading post for ~70m!       Bank: CTRL + B   |   Trading Post: CTRL + T

    5. Runewild Tips

         5.a - Use Loadouts For PVM and PVP - Bonds Old_school_bond.png?2b41b (30 day membership) will get you 8 loadouts instead of 5.

         5.b - Claim your rewards from Achievements


         4.c - Use ::Vote to Vote for 7 vote points Minecart_ticket_(Keldagrim_to_Ice_Mounta (4m Each) + 5m coins Coins_10000.png?7fa38 + Mystery Box Mystery_box.png?246bf (around 35m Total every 12 hours)


         4.D - Useful teleports: | ::home | ::DH | ::Loot | :: NH (lvl 4 edge wildy) | ::Chins (lvl 34 wildy) | ::Revs (lvl 39 wildy)



    Thanks for viewing! let me know if I should add anything else.


    Diabio II
