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Joe Hendry

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Everything posted by Joe Hendry

  1. need some gfx for youtube and forums

    hit me up with prices and any ideas would love to hear them all!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks ZIG
  2. paladins badge

    what are these even for? not seen any update that even remotely says why they are in game. any help appreciated cheers
  3. Runewild Nh Slaughterhouse [3] + GIVEAWAY!

    ign pkedbyzig love the vids
  4. PvP Leagues: Season V - Winners of Season IV

    Sure I was top at 630am .uk time but ok
  5. Second week's KOTH Winner: Gambinos

    swift 1-0 again
  6. Hentai Gang

    rags shots ud be better joining gambinos pal just saying
  7. The Gambino Crime Family

  8. Hentai Gang

    epic u got cleared in multi war at revs yikers
  9. I destroyed dh tourny

    destroyed dh tourney? u got rng lucky and u call that destroyed? think u need to go back to school mate
  10. Staff Update: December 2018

    grats to all promoted well deserved!!!! just wish i would get a reply to my staff app l0l
  11. tb fixing

    update today means tb is on for however long you are tbed for either half (2 and half minutes) or full (5 minutes). i doubt it will be changed back.
  12. HI im zig!

    hello all im pkedbyzig. former player recently come back to the server. if u need any help ingame feel free to give me a pm anytime. thanks #zig
  13. HI im zig!

    I did first time round now im back thank you