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Joe Hendry

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Everything posted by Joe Hendry

  1. zigs ss application

    About yourself? What's your in-game username? - Pkedbyzig What is your timezone? - GMT What is your playtime? - 36 days 13 hours Tell us a little about your gaming history. - former staff member on Grinderscape and former support on azerite. have been playing rsps for roughly 6-7 years and have a extensive knowledge of the rsps scene. current mod for some youtube streamers like sohan didyscape etc Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - to help new and current players enjoy their time on runewild by answering any questions or queries they might have. Having been around the rsps scene for a few years i believe that i would be a good fit for the role. i can be fair and unbiased and be available for any issues that may crop up ingame and also assist other supports or mods/admins if im needed to. Being a older player of the rsps scene i would be bringing maturity to my role with in the staff team and will assist and undertake any duties i am given. Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here: any other question feel free to pm or comment on the post! thank you ZIG
  2. zigs ss application

    About yourself? What's your in-game username? - Pkedbyzig What is your timezone? - GMT What is your playtime? - 137 days 18 hours Tell us a little about your gaming history. - former staff member on Grinderscape and former support on azerite. have been playing rsps for roughly 6-7 years and have a extensive knowledge of the rsps scene. current mod for some youtube streamers like sohan didyscape etc Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - to help new and current players enjoy their time on runewild by answering any questions or queries they might have. Having been around the rsps scene for a few years i believe that i would be a good fit for the role. i can be fair and unbiased and be available for any issues that may crop up ingame and also assist other supports or mods/admins if im needed to. Being a older player of the rsps scene i would be bringing maturity to my role with in the staff team and will assist and undertake any duties i am given. Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here: any other question feel free to pm or comment on the post! Thank you Pkedbyzig
  3. Huge Rewards: Happy New Year!

    Great additions to the game @David may runewild live on for another 6 years. #runewild #1
  4. KingOfMercy's Vet application

    good luck!
  5. ign: pkedbyzig You must have atleast 50 posts on the forums. - yes Account creation must be atleast 12 months old. - yes Your past 30 days play time must be atleast 50 hours. - yes No severe punishments in the past 90 days. - 0 offences since i joined
  6. Gora Staff application!

    +1 well deserved good luck on your application!
  7. Jarry Veteran Rank Application

    +1000 for jarry!
  8. Balls Deep Vet Rank - #2

  9. zigs ss application


    ENJOY THE PICTURES READY FOR THE HATE L0L #ZIGONTOP http://img.runewild.com/8abd2c4bb5e241be6a51616d7590b6c197d1b80e.png http://img.runewild.com/f21d090dfc951e861942cf346d09582c71716fb5.png
  11. updates for future

    open discussion for updates that you think should be added ingame. feel free to comment and be part of the conversation!!!!!! my personal choice is for the introduction of curses into the game!
  12. 130B Dharok's Tournament

    ign pkedbyzig about to clap yall for the win
  13. become a member

    +1 very knowledgeable player helped me with tob numerous times has my support
  14. zigs ss application

    where have i ever rwted? news to me im from the original days of runewild mate. thanks for the feedback though. im a og from like 2017 if not longer
  15. zigs ss application

  16. Staff app (-J O T A)

    is true. not seen 1 app where he supports anyone.
  17. zigs ss application

  18. zigs ss application

    may i ask why? just trying to make myself better all round
  19. zigs ss application

    ty brother <3
  20. Spider-Man AKA Shelbs Veteran App

    +1 gl my brozza