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Everything posted by afganas

  1. unfair RWT Jail

    Nickname: Afganas Jail reason: rwt by HASH HELLO, im acutally new there, playing 1-2 weeks. Situation goes like this, i was enjoying this RSPS it looks okay. I was active in Edgeville pking and got 60m osrs claimeble ticket. I don't know what its worth, i tried asking peoples and they told me sell it for items or something. Okay. ::yell Selling 60m osrs ticket. it went 1-2 mins Insta JAIL. No talking, nothing just insta jail unlimited time like 3 billion years. https://ibb.co/yBpXv1t Okay i asked why is that for, one of the mods said you cannot sell that. Okay. I admit maybe i broke any of the Rules, so went to check what is all about, what is even rwt?! When i found out looks like i didn't brake Rules. Someone just took this action to jail me without proof. If its enough proof to get rid of player typing in "::yell Selling 60m osrs ticket" wow guys, but for me it looks really weird... In my opinion looks like really not even logical punishment. "WIPE ACCOUNT after 1 week" I didn't made any of forbidden trades, not event tried to. But i tried explain what this is all about. Tried communicate, But Ignorance is at - MAX LEVEL. Tried make appeal on discord, all they told me they will give me free jail in 1 week and account wipe. Wow guys... My question is why ?! Nobody tried to even talk with me for example: im selling it for what? First of all i didn't want to sell this claimable tickets for real world trading, you hawe no proof all you you hawe is your opinion. Nobody talked with me, what grow people do is talk right... ? So please understand i didn't brake any of rules and i did not deserve this type of punishment. I worked kinda hard to make all stuff and it says its will be deleted. Its really sad, when mod HASH dancing in edgeville all the time in circles and nobody care that i got punisment mistakely. I understand. let it be how it is, BUT do you job i do mine i respect all staff members. But i did not brake any of rules. Where is the proof? Why you want get rid of me ?!, i did nothing to harm or brake this server.. I enjoy playing this rsps im jsut saying.. If you delete this okay its your opinion, but understand this, i DID NOTHING TO get this decision. i admit that this is your server, your rules, your decisions, but decision like this is just not fair for me... i hope you read this and find little bit logical https://ibb.co/qBqqZ02 Thank you for understanding. all is that i hope to comeback to this server. but if its a NO then is a NO. Thanks. its just weird and really sad... I liked this community
  2. unfair RWT Jail

    i already did that, nobody cares, i try reach them but no answer
  3. unfair RWT Jail

    AJ, i already did it. Thak you for help.