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BTW Ollie

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Everything posted by BTW Ollie

  1. Flower Poker Strats and Motivation

    Rip Bank :v
  2. Nice :v
  3. [Guide] Untradeables

    Nice guide bro
  4. Forum Guide

    Nice guide Bro
  5. Niccs Definitive Skilling Guide [UPDATED 2024]

    Nice guide bro
  6. Cooking Guide

    Nice guide bro

    Nice guide bro
  8. Mining Guide

    Nice guide bro
  9. cooking guide

    Thanks bro
  10. cooking guide

    Cooking is one of the easiest and most afk skills off all Before you start cooking 1. Buy a skills necklace from Kaqemeex, he can be found at the furnace in Edgeville. The necklace costs 50k. 2. Buy cooking gauntlets from the same shop. The gauntlets cost 5m. ( used so you dont burn your fish ) 3. Make a preset with your cooking gauntlets equiped and an inventory of the fish you are cooking Let's start cooking Rub your skills necklace and select: ''fishing areas'' and then teleport to ''barbarian fishing.'' At this spot there is a fire which you can cook your fish on. ! Everytime you are done fishing an inventory, click your preset again and continue cooking ! 1-15: Shrimps ::item 317 28 15-30: Trout ::item 335 28 30-35: Salmon ::item 331 28 35-50: Tuna ::item 359 28 50-62: Lobster ::item 377 28 62-84: Monkfish ::item 7944 28 For 84-99 you have 2 options (anglerfish is the fastest method): 84-99: Monkfish ::item 7944 28 84-99: Anglerfish Unspawnable, you will need to fish/buy them.

    Good luck
  12. crafting guide

    Crafting is one of the easiest and straight forward skills on RuneWild. There are only 2 steps to this guide in order to achieve level 99. You can do this skill anywhere if you're using Presets. If you aren't using Presets, spawning per inventory and using the bank is also viable. I will not be teaching you how to use Presets to skill, it will be in a different guide. You will be spawning all the items in this guide. (There's only 3!) 1-16 Crafting - Cutting Uncut Opals ::item 1755 1 ::item 1625 19 You will need to cut 19 Uncut Opals in order to reach level 16. 16-99 Crafting - Cutting Red Topaz ::item 1755 1 ::item 1629 27 You will need to cut 5213 Red Topaz in order to reach level 99.
  13. mining guide

    Mining is pretty fast forward. You mine ores and you get exp. So I'll start by giving you the new spots we added for mining and then break down 2 methods in which you can get 99. First Method (Not Recommended) 1-15 (Tin/Copper ore) = 7 tin/copper [Mining Guild] 15-30 (Iron ore) = 16 iron [Mining Guild] 30-40 (Coal ore) = 24 coal [Mining Guild] 40-55 (Gold ore) = 100 gold [Crafting Guild] 55-70 (Mithril Ore) = 357 mithril [Mining Guild] 70-85 (Adamantite Ore) = 1 327 adamantite [Mining Guild] 85-92 (Runite Ore) = 1 303 runite [Level 44 in wildy] 92-99 (Amethyst Ore) = 1 358 amethyst [Mining Guild] Second Method (Recommended) 1-15 (Tin/Copper ore) = 7 tin/copper [Mining Guild] 15-60 (Iron ore) = 388 iron [Mining Guild] 60-99 (Coal ore) = 12 761 coal [Resource area] Keep in mind that most of this ores (except amethyst, runite, tin and copper) are available at resource area as well and will grant you x2 ores for each mine which means x2 exp. Aswell as having a small chance of receiving a 3rd age druidic piece. good luck
  14. hunter guide

    Hunter is a skill in which players catch different creatures, obtaining several rewards. The hunting equipment can be bought from Vannaka (located at ::shops). There are various ways of raising up this Skill efficiently Location You can teleport to the Hunter island by using the Spiritual fairy tree located at ::home, choosing the option: Skilling - Hunter island 2 da opcion You can teleport to the Chinchompa hill by typing ::chins or by using the Spiritual fairy tree located at ::home, choosing the option: Wilderness - Chinchompa hill equipment Bird Snares - Used for catching Birds. - Box Trap - Used for catching Chinchompas. methods The Crimson swift is a red bird captured with bird snares, requiring lvl 1 Hunter, granting 680 Hunter experience. The Golden warbler is a golden bird captured with bird snares, requiring lvl 5 Hunter, granting 940 Hunter experience. The Copper longtail is a copper-coloured bird captured with bird snares, requiring lvl 9 Hunter, granting 1224 Hunter experience. The Tropical wagtail is a green bird captured with bird snares, requiring lvl 19 Hunter, granting 1904 Hunter experience. The Chinchompa can be captured with a box trap, requiring lvl 53 Hunter, granting 3965 Hunter experience. The Carnivorous chinchompa can be captured with a box trap, requiring lvl 63 Hunter, granting 5300 Hunter experience. The Black chinchompa can be captured with a box trap, requiring lvl 73 Hunter, granting 6300 Hunter experience. Note: If you have a correction for the guide or have a suggestion for a new method, please leave a message on the comment section. good luck
  15. woodcutting guide

    ¿Qué necesitas para empezar a talar madera? 1. Necesitarás crear un ajuste preestablecido con el mejor hacha que puedas equipar y un inventario vacío. 2. Capacidad de esclavizarse mediante una habilidad muy aburrida. El Hacha del Dragón se puede comprar a los jugadores, pero también puedes obtenerla como botín de los Ents, al norte de ::chaos 1. Necesitarás crear un ajuste preestablecido con el mejor hacha que puedas equipar y un inventario vacío. 2. Capacidad de esclavizarse mediante una habilidad muy aburrida. ¡Cada vez que tu inventario esté lleno, haz clic en el valor predeterminado que hayas creado y continúa cortando madera! 1-75: Árboles regulares. (se pueden encontrar en ::edge) 75-90: Robles (se pueden encontrar en ::gamble) 90-99: Sauces (frota tu gloria y ve a Draynor Village, al sur del banco) Si quieres cortar tejo o troncos mágicos, eres más que bienvenido a hacerlo. Pero el método anterior es una de las formas más eficientes de obtener el nivel 1-99 en tala de árboles. Puedes encontrar árboles mágicos cuando frotas tu collar de habilidades (comprado en el horno de Edgeville) y seleccionas "Áreas de madera". <3
  16. agility

    Agility Agility is probably the easiest skill to train on RuneWild. Using this guide, it will take you approximately 3-4 hours to reach 99 in the skill. When you train agility, it is advised that you should take a full inventory of Stamina Potions to maximize your Xp/Hr. 1-52 Agility To start off Agility, you'll want to make your way to the Gnome Agility Course. To get there, teleport to ::alever which will take you to Ardougne Wilderness Lever. (This is a safe teleport and wont take you to the wilderness) From here you can run to the Gnome Stronghold and begin your Agility training. You will gain 13,720 xp per lap. This mean you will have to do 11 laps in order to reach 52 Agility. 52-99 Agility Once you're level 52 Agility, you'll want to go to the Wilderness Agility Course, west of Mage Bank. It is advised that you don't bring anything of any value other than Stamina Potions, as this is in the Wilderness and you may risk it on death. To get there, teleport to ::44s which will take you to the level 44 Wilderness Obelisk. (This is deep wilderness) From here, run past the Ice Warrior and Giants, through the gate, and follow the ice path round until you reach the entrance of the Wilderness Agility Course. Once you're here, walk across the log and you're there. You will gain 50,000 xp per lap. This means you will have to do 258 laps in order to reach 99 Agility Thank you for reading my guide and well done on 99 Agility!
  17. Agility Guide

    Nice guide
  18. Impulse

  19. how to level thieving from 1 to 99?

    I hope it helps you
  20. 1: First we head to the back of the Edgville bank where we will find 5 tables. https://www.google.com/imgres?q=imagenes de las mesas de subir thieving en runewild&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FZp0zV70L31U%2Fsddefault.jpg%3Fsqp%3D-oaymwEmCIAFEOAD8quKqQMa8AEB-AHWBYAC4AOKAgwIABABGGUgYChOMA8%3D%26rs%3DAOn4CLDMpjipZngnsIxqALIOf6TeU-oNxg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DZp0zV70L31U&docid=lDmSYVDikrHFCM&tbnid=QMreuigQinQ9FM&vet=12ahUKEwjqgO_e7reIAxWBQTABHckvGUAQM3oECBAQAA..i&w=640&h=480&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwjqgO_e7reIAxWBQTABHckvGUAQM3oECBAQAA 2: Then they will pickpocket a woman until she reaches lvl 5 3: Each table is divided so that it can be used correctly according to your level. Table 1 is level 5, Table 2 is level 20, Table 3 is level 65, Table 4 is level 75, and Table 5 is level 82.